The Right to be Informed

          Taxpayers and Tax Professionals alike have searched for the latest information related to tax compliance this year. That is true of every Tax Season since the law changes each year, sometimes even during the year. However, the need to be informed does not stop after April or May. It is in fact, a right that all Taxpayers have.

          At times there are issues with a Taxpayer’s account with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and adjustments must be made. This cannot be done in secret. The Taxpayer has the right to know what has happened and how they can comply with tax laws. They must be given clear explanations of IRS procedures and decisions. Written notices of why taxes are owed or why certain refund claims are denied will be sent.

          Understanding these facts will help to protect all of us from scams and frauds claiming to be from the IRS. Communication is supposed to be clear and detailed, not indistinct and sketchy. These are some of the tenets of “The Right to be Informed” which is first in “The Taxpayer Bill of Rights”. Our next few posts will highlight these rights. The more you know, the more you can protect yourself.


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