Strange State Tax Laws

         With the changes going on at the Federal level, taxes can seem very confusing and challenging. While this is true, we must never forget that State taxes are completely separate. This fact can add stress for business owners in certain industries or lead consumers to feel that they are being cheated. In this post, we will take a brief look at some of the more unique taxes found in different states.

          People can buy almost anything from a vending machine. However, in California consumers can buy fruit from vending machines for a 33% sales tax. It’s far more financially responsible to go to a store instead. In Illinois, there is a 6.25% sales tax on certain candy. The difference is based on whether the product has any flour in it. If the answer is “Yes”, then there is no added tax. Not only are blueberries a superfood, they are also a huge industry for the state of Maine. Since this state provides more blueberries than any other, it imposes a 1.5 cent tax on every aspect of the blueberry industry from growing to selling. No too heavy considering what this fruit provides.

          One of the most interesting state taxes can be found in Alabama. Here they have what is in essence a tax on illegal drugs. This might seem to be impossible to enforce, but consider it closely. This tax can be paid with Tax Stamps, but clearly criminals are not going to pay attention to this law. However, upon arrest if it is determined that they have an amount of drugs that is taxable, they will be charged with Tax Evasion as well. Here is another reason why crime does not pay.


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