Small Business Guidance: For Retail Businesses

         Every business has a level of risk involved. That might seem to be an obvious statement, but it is a fact that must be considered for every business venture. The risk is also varied when it comes to different types of businesses. When it comes to retail, the risk is high because there is so much to consider with this type of business.

          Considering the wide scope of the issues that all retailers face, this post will briefly discuss changing regulations and the role that taxation plays in this area. Generally speaking, the government wants legitimate businesses and their owners to succeed. The reason is that if a business does well, then they will pay taxes and the government will do well. It’s the perfect win-win scenario. However, in practice this can become complicated. Depending on the state, certain items are subject to State Sales Tax, while others are exempt or taxed at the Alternate Rate. These taxes must be carefully monitored just like Federal Taxes.

          The way that taxes are applied often is a direct result of a change in regulations and laws. This is especially true for retailers who do business online. A current United States Supreme Court case can effect those businesses directly. These adjustments change more than the costs of the products sold. For example: Has there been a change in tax law that changes the view of global revenue for US companies? Are current business strategies now out of date? Is my business structure hurting my long term growth? These are the types of questions that should be considered whenever the financial landscape changes.


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