Open Your Mail!

          Even with a large backlog, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) still sends out letters and notices to Taxpayers at all times of the year. They could be for several reasons including, the tax return being changed by the IRS, the taxpayer being due a larger or smaller refund, a question about the tax return, or even the need to verify an identity.

          There can be an increase in mail sent out in the weeks after Tax Season has finished. If you receive mail from the IRS, please remember some simple things. Do not ignore it. Reading the letter will explain the reason for the contact and what, if anything, should be done. Do not panic. The IRS normally contacts people by mail. The letter or notice will explain what is needed. Read carefully and completely. Everything you need to know is usually in the letter. If a response is needed, the date required will be there. You can always ask your Qualified Tax Professional for more assistance.


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