Beware of Spearphishing Scams

        The tactics of criminals and scam artists continue to adjust over time. To stay safe, we need to continue to learn about them. We may be familiar with the concept of phishing. This is when a message or email that seems to be from a legitimate source is sent out to hook as many as possible and get them to share confidential information. The activity of spearphishing targets a particular group.

With tax season well under way, criminals are turning some of their attention to Tax Professionals and others who use tax software. Many are receiving emails that demand action be taken. They claim that online accounts have been frozen. However, clicking on any of the official icons or links will send you to a page that requires account information to be provided. At that point, the account is compromised.

        Instead of clicking on links, go to the actual website. You can also call the support hotline for the government agency or software provider. The goal of these criminals is to make you act before you think. Take a little time to act wisely. Remember that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is never going to threaten you with a surprise email. 


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