More Tips on Choosing A Tax Preparer

          Now that we are 2 weeks into the 2021 Tax Season, it is clear that finding an honest and ethical Tax Professional is essential. You will be trusting this person with your most sensitive personal information. Here is some more guidance on finding the best Tax Preparer for you.

          Beware of what are called “Ghost Preparers”. They are called this because they have a tendency to disappear after the work is done. Beyond that, some red flags to look out for are if they require payment in cash and do not give a receipt, are willing to claim fake deductions to increase the refund, direct the refund into their own bank account, or refuse to sign the Tax Return after they prepare it. These are individuals you want to avoid.

          As a Taxpayer, you have the right to ask questions. Everyone hopes for a simple and easy filing, but sometimes complications come up. Will the preparer you are considering be around to help? How can they represent you before the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)? A previous post considered this subject in detail. Be safe and choose wisely.


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