Beware of the Latest COVID Scam

    The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is trying to make Taxpayers everywhere aware of a new COVID-19 related scam. Some are still waiting for news about their Economic Impact Payment (EIP), and this text message plays on those feelings. The IRS will never send a text message asking for information. This message claims that a direct deposit has been received from the “COVID-19 TREAS FUND” and more information is needed to claim the money. The included link sends you to a phishing website where your banking information will be taken.

    The link will look like it comes from a state agency. The website will be an imitation of the IRS page that shows where you can track your EIP. If you are sent this text, take a screenshot and send it to Make sure to include information like the date and time it was sent. We must all continue to remain vigilant during these challenging times.


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