New Tax Rates Released by the IRS

    About this time the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) releases its new tax rates for the upcoming year. These will apply starting January 1, 2021. They are a good way to estimate what your tax responsibility might be if you don’t plan on any changes in the coming year. However, if you are planning on major changes, like marriage or starting a business, this is the best time to adjust your withholding and avoid a tax surprise in 2022.

    There will still be seven tax brackets and the rates will range from 10% to 37%. The only way taxes can change is by an act of Congress or a sunset clause in the law, whichever comes first. The Standard Deduction will increase to $12,550 for Single Taxpayers. The rules on deducting State and Local Taxes (SALT) put in place by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) will remain at $10,000. Other adjustments have been made for 2021. Now is the time to reach out to your Qualified Tax Professional and prepare for next year.


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