Dirty Dozen 2020: Senior Fraud

     As senior citizens become more familiar and comfortable using technology, this group becomes a prime target for criminals. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) strongly cautions seniors and those who care for them to be careful. Senior fraud has earned a place on the Dirty Dozen list for 2020 because this group is the most likely to be targeted for fraud.

    This year phishing scams related to COVID-19 are being used to a great extent. There is an endless surge of emails, texts, fake websites, and social media messages all being used in an attempt to gain personal information. The tactics of these criminals change, but their basic goal remains the same. However, evidence shows that when there is someone who takes an active role in caring for the professional needs of an elderly friend or relative, the risk of fraud goes down. Let’s take time to watch out and care for each other especially during these challenging times. 


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