Those with Low Income Can Receive an Economic Impact Payment

         There is a lot of confusion and frustration surrounding the details of the Coronavirus Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act. One particular area that aggravates Taxpayers is the Economic Impact Payment (EIP). Many are wondering when this check or deposit will arrive for them and their families. Different provisions have been made to make sure that those who qualify are not left out. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is now making it clear that those who do not file a Tax Return because their income is too low, may also qualify for this payment.

          The IRS is encouraging these individuals to use this online tool to provide information on where to send the stimulus funds. It is the same online tool other Taxpayers had been using to update their information and to claim dependents. Since a person who does not need to file a Tax Return is generally unknown to the IRS, they need to use this tool to get this payment. Even a person who does not work may qualify for an EIP, as long as they are not claimed as a dependent. Please continue to have patience with everything related COVID-19 relief.


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