Always Pay the Payroll Tax!

         Almost 72% of all the revenue collected by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) comes from Payroll Taxes. With this understanding, it easy to see why they put so much effort into making sure that every business pays their fair share. This is done in a variety of ways.

          First, there is usually some educational outreach if it is determined that a business is not meeting its obligations. The IRS uses years of experience combined with data analytics to pinpoint which businesses need help. It would be wise to accept and apply the information they provide, because the next steps are not as pleasant.

          Since the IRS considers payroll tax an essential part of the tax system, it will use any and every method at its disposal to make sure that this obligation is paid. This can include lawsuits, seizures of property, and criminal prosecution by the IRS Criminal Investigation division. Staying current with Payroll Taxes is a non-negotiable issue with the IRS. If you need help, seek the assistance of a Qualified Tax Professional to assist and represent you before the IRS.


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