How to Cause an Audit in 2019

         With the Federal Government open and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is fully staffed, at least until February 15, there is an understandable feeling among some to rush and file Tax Returns soon. While that may be the route some Taxpayers may choose, the IRS will continue to process what is presented with the same amount of scrutiny. This will be amplified with the application of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA).

          For example, the IRS has always been known to take a closer look at Tax Returns that have large donation deductions. For this kind of donation to be of benefit, it must be itemized. That would only make sense if the itemization was greater than the Standard Deduction, which is $24,000 for Married Couples and $12,000 for Single Taxpayers. If the deductions are higher than others in the same income range, the IRS may take a closer look.

          Unreported income. If there is a discrepancy between the information the IRS has for your income and what you report, there will be a letter sent. Make sure you have all your paperwork in order to accurately report all your wages. This would include income from side jobs, or even taxable interest from a bank account. Taking the time now to observe these details will certainly save a lot of time and anxiety later.


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