Are Your Job Searches Tax Deductible?


This economy has shown us some tough times over the past few years. Many people have lost their jobs and a lot of companies have gone out of business. Now we are all starting to put the pieces together and there is a lot of people looking for new jobs. I have information the IRS wants you to know about deducting cost related to your job search.

          1. In order to qualify for any deduction, your expenses must be spent on a job search in your current occupation. It does not qualify while incurring for a job in a new occupation.

          2. You can deduct agency fees while you're looking for a job in your present occupation. However, if your employer pays you back in the later year then you must include that amount on your gross income.

          3. Deducting the time you spend preparing and mailing copies of your resume can be deducted as long as it's in the same field that you work in.

          4. You may be able to deduct expenses related to traveling to and from to look for a new job. Again, as long as it's in the same field that you currently work in.

          5. You cannot deduct job search expenses if you are looking for a job for the first time.

          6. If much time has gone by between your job and searching for a new one, you may not qualify for the tax deduction.

          7. To determine your deductions use a Schedule A, itemized deductions because the amount you use to deduct may not exceed a certain threshold. The amount of your miscellaneous deduction that exceeds two percent of your adjusted gross income is deductible.

Anthony Sykes


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