You are invited to attend, at no charge, a Federal/State Basic Payroll Tax Seminar
 Wednesday, August 3, 2011 from 9:00a.m to 3:00p.m.
            At: WorkSource/Career Partners
                  3505 N. Hart Ave.
                  Rosemead, Ca 91770

You will learn:
      . California payroll reporting requirements: forms, employer obligations, reporting,
          and payment requirements
       Independent Contractor reporting requirments
       . Electronic filing and payment requirements and options
       .  Federal payroll reporting requirements: Forms 940, 941, 1099, W-2, W-4, W-9, and
           alternative filing

There is no charge for this seminar. Reservations are recommended. Use the Internet: www.edd.ca.gov/payroll_tax_seminars/, or telephone (888) 873-6086

For additional seminar dates, times, locations and subjects, please check EDD's Internet site as shown above


  1. I am looking for a payrolling services provider; please help me to get best quotes for payroll services. Please provide me the suitable information about payrolling.

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